Lower Back Pain Treatment with The Help of Orthotics Burlington

Many people are not aware of the benefits that orthotics Burlington can provide. There are many reasons why they are prescribed by medical doctors and chiropractors. Some of these reasons include foot pain, knee pain, lower back pain treatment, chronic ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, flat feet, foot instability, diabetic neuropathy and many others. Many of these conditions cannot fully heal without extra support in the feet with the use of orthotics. Often times people will attend therapy without realizing why their condition is not improving.

Orthotics Burlington

However, once proper support is provided in their feet, all of a sudden the condition improves. This is because the feet are a base for the body just like the foundation is a base for a building. If there is a problem in the feet then the rest of the body will be off balance, just like if the foundation of the building is not strong, the rest of the building will not be either. As specialists in the treatment of the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems, chiropractors are able to do a detailed bio mechanical assessment of the feet as well as the rest of the body and determine if orthotics are necessary and what kind of orthotics would be needed to correct the dysfunction.

Once it is determined that orthotics Burlington are necessary then foam impressions are made and sent to the lab to be made. If a patient has never worn orthotics, it is important that they carefully “break-in” the orthotics as it will take a while for their feet to adjust. Normally the chiropractor will recommend a schedule that will include wearing the new orthotics in their shoes for short periods of time and slowly increasing the amount of time. There might be some discomfort at first until the feet adjust and get used to the orthotics.

What most people do not realize is that orthotics can greatly improve sports performance. There are many different kinds of orthotics including orthotics made especially for golfers and runners. Many athletes find that getting orhtotics improves their game and helps them to be faster and better at what they do!

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